Sunday, May 15, 2011

Typographic Nostalgia?

Hi everyone! So far I agree with the latest comments/posts about the direction of the publication. Narrowing it down to a more specific topic should be our focus at this stage since that will help us to more easily establish the aesthetics and style. I thought that a good word that encapsulated the general topic would be NOSTALGIA, since that refers to times past, as well leaving opportunities for musing about the future. Nostalgia is defined as 'a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with positive personal associations'. If we choose to use nostalgia as the theme for the publication, we could employ more intimate styles as design elements, ie. diary format, hand-written headings and sub-headings, irregular format (varying in each spread). The content could be more personal pieces about what aspects we as individuals are nostalgic about in regards to typography. The publication could take a very personal direction. We could use old notebooks and journals as sources of reference, since these are both sources of intimate and personal typography, as well as the content generally being nostalgic in their nature, and indicative of a particular time.

1 comment:

  1. i like this! Whenever I hear the word "nostalgia" it gives off a positive feeling, not necessarily longing for the past and wanting it back, but remembering the past and appreciating it.
