Sunday, May 15, 2011

Concepts continued...

This is a very rough thought, but I really like our concept of handwriting and how it's becoming less appealing due to technological advances. As mentioned in Wing's comment on Justin's post, evolution of typefaces would be a large amount of research. I agree with the idea that we should leave our reader with a question. Is handwriting extinct? For lack of a better term...

What I find to be maybe an interesting take is the changes of the tool used to create language, the pen through time. From the earlier forms of handwriting we used quill, fountain pen, pencil, mechanical pencil, to keyboards, tablets, etc. Rather than giving examples through different movements (ex. Bauhaus) and repeating history as Wing would say... we would have a totally different take on the concept. 
This is a very patchy idea, but I don't feel we have a solid concept yet because we are too broad still.

It's still a very rough idea.

Using Wing's idea of the handwritten H through time, we could apply the above concept.
Through time the tool to write or create the letter H has been changing in correlation. So the design would be oriented around the tool used during the certain period being discussed. So the letter H in calligraphy, the letter H with a fountain pen, the letter H with a pencil, the letter H with a letter press, the letter H on the computer interface. I think we'd be able to focus more on typographic standpoints with a more specific concept.

Please post feedback, just trying to spark ideas!


  1. i like this idea a lot. i think the concept of the different tools that we have used through the years since the beginning of typography is a really interesting idea and ties into all of our research/brainstorming from last class quite well. each spread could be about a different medium, and it shouldn't be too hard to find images or even create them.

  2. lol. Yeah, I like too. Maybe we could all decide on a good looking / symbolic typographic character to use e.g. 'a'. Perhaps the grid could mimic a more organic layout that handwriting would have conformed to. It would be interesting to interpret things like captions and subheadings with handwriting too.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree, maybe it could be a small section on every page, to show where abouts on the timeline we are and what 'stage' typography was up to at that point, maybe thumbnail size with a small caption underneath it

    - cam

  5. I agree, this concept really ties all the ideas we came up with in class. This will be interesting and solid process. Each student can interpret a page in a different way and work off each others idea. And each can still form an organized grid.
