Saturday, May 21, 2011

Editorial Team's latest update

Hi all

Carissa, Justin and I met yesterday to discuss the written content of the publication and were concerned with making the copy contemporary, dynamic and at the same time malleable for the other teams to work with.

We've come up with this idea of an interview structure, with handwriting being the interviewee. We're coming up with questions such as 'How did you feel about yourself back in the 20's?'. Handwriting would respond with her account of the status handwriting had at the time. So while the text would be colloquial and comic, it would also incorporate the periods we've been looking at, of pre-modernism, modernism and post-modernism, and changes in opinions of handwriting and mechanical type etc. Of course the text will not just be comic and will have descriptive and factual substance. The primary aim is still to inform.

We want the design team to be able to come in and move text around, cut some out and contribute their own if they feel necessary, in order to bring this all together harmoniously. So we'll come up with enough text to be able to cull between ourselves, and that will be able to be culled if necessary in the other teams.

Please comment your thoughts to this. The more the merrier.



  1. this could be interesting if we do it the right way (obviously) - are you thinking of speaking about handwriting in the third person? If so it could be cool to experiment with different ways that handwriting responds to questions when he/she is angry - different emotions etc...

  2. Justin actually came up with the idea but I think we're thinking first person and being a female character. 'After getting out of rehab, I found digital type wasn't so discriminative, and I got more exposure in ads...' is an example - perhaps a bit too abstract, but we can tone it down / have it a bit more refined... Yeah, I think expressing different emotions of 'Handwriting' is what we're aiming for in a sense?
