Sunday, May 15, 2011

Design Ideas

Just a minor Brainstorm:

I was thinking since the design concept is centreed about the evolution of Typefaces through time and accompanying technological advances that we should have a subtle design feature that flows throughout the publication. Something like a line throught the publication that blends in with the feature of the page but also give the entire online magazine a sense of conituity....
( Like the sample above.)

ANother idea is to maybe indicate the witht he amount of days since the first record of HUMAN WRITING on the end of page as an interesting design feature on each era.

Please feel free to comment on this idea . Thanks!


  1. Hey.. Just thinking out loud... I think it'd be heaps broad to look at the evolution of typefaces generally... Perhaps we could take that sort of continuity and like track a specific element of typefaces through time. Like the serif through time, or like the handwritten 'h' through time or something... Or we could take something even more particular (and random) like the biography of typographers through time. Just so that we can narrow the subject down a bit.

  2. I like the idea of a flowing timeline through the book, however I think that this graphic is a bit blatant, i feel should flow naturally through the content

    - cam
